Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Run Mama, Run!

Am I a runner?
Um, no.
But, I am aspiring to run more than I have in the past 8 years or so.

I used to love to run back when I was single and my roommates and I lived in a groovy little segment of Austin, Texas.  Did I mention  that we lived in the same neighborhood as Matthew McConaughey? 

True story.   
Did we ever see him running through our streets?  Yep.   
Did we ever hang out with him?  Absolutely not.  
Rabbit trail…now, back to running…

I got out of the habit of running (except for chasing toddlers for a few years), as mommy-hood takes up most of your me-time.   

In fact, I was so far from the world of running, that this was one of my favorite sayings:

But I have recently returned to the world of running, and here’s how it all happened:  

You see, some of my friends on Facebook were posting their runs via something called the C25K running app.  C25K stands for 'couch to 5K'.  Just what I needed!

It got me curious.  These were moms like me who hadn’t even entertained exercise in quite a while (side note… one of them was an old roommate/running buddy from the McConaughey years!).

So one morning, I found the C25K running app on my phone, downloaded it, and did what it said.

Guess what?  It was mostly painless and I didn't die!

After I continued with the C25K app for a few weeks, my husband bought me some motivation to keep me going…

Cute, right?  Not only are they cute, these Keens are crazy comfortable to run in as well.  (BTW, if you’re a military mama, I can tell you how to get them for half off!  Score).

And now that I’ve been at this whole running thing for a few months, I got really excited one day, when another friend posted this ad on my Facebook news feed:

I jumped on it and signed up!

I’m very excited.  And a little petrified.

I do have 3 more months to prep for it, so if the weather here cooperates, I should be mostly ready by June.
So what’s the point of me sharing this whole running business with you?

Do I ever get excited about going for a run?  Never.

But I can tell you that when a run is over,

-I have an amazing sense of accomplishment.

-my mind is clear.

-and, my body has a crazy boost of energy that will get me through the day.

My point is, no matter how long it's been, or what shape you're in, find something that works for You.
Running, Zumba, or good ol’ 80’s Dancercise pick your poison passion, and...
Go mama, go!

P.S.  Just so we're clear, I don't get any kickbacks from KEEN, C25K, FB, or anything else mentioned in this blog.  I just like sharing with people what works for me.  -diane

Meeting new Peeps in Blogville This Week!
Here they are...


  1. My man loves his Keen shoes! He bought me a pair of Vibram soled running shoes before he went on deployment and I feel guilty every time I don't use them. He has all these grand running plans for when he gets back, so I'd better get running soon! I've never so much as done a 5K and he's done half marathons, so I have some catching up to do.

    1. Well, I just found out yesterday how far a half marathon actually is. Seriously? People run that far without being paid??!! Thanks for stopping by! -diane

  2. Hi there! I have ventured over from the Thumping Thursday blog hop. I'm enjoying this little peak into your world! Just lovely! XOXO, Mandi @ All My Happy Endings

    1. Thanks for stopping by - I'm headed over to your page now! -diane
